Language: Swedish, with slides mainly in English.
Professor Bjørn Tore Gjertsen: Early response evaluation by single cell signaling profiling in myeloid leukemia
We would like to welcome you to a seminar with Professor Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, from University of Bergen, Norway.
Host: Fredrik Bergh Thorén from Sahlgrenska Center for Cancer Research
Insight into spatial organization of the human bone marrow stroma
A seminar on current research on the spatial organization of the human bone marrow stroma. The seminar is held in English and is open to the public. No registration.
Estrogen Signalling in Lymph Node Stromal Cells during Influenza
A seminar on current research on estrogen signalling in lymph node stromal cells in influenza. The seminar is held in English and is open to the public. No registration
Hur jämför jag personer som startar ny behandling med dem som inte gör det?
Seminariet ingår i en seminarieserie om registerforskning som löper sedan våren 2021.